Here is a list of built-in warts under the org.wartremover.warts package.


Unlike other collections == on arrays and iterators checks reference equality:

List(1) == List(1) //true
Array(1) == Array(1) //false, won't compile: == is disabled, use sameElements instead


Any is the top type; it is the supertype of every other type. The Scala compiler loves to infer Any as a generic type, but that is almost always incorrect. Explicit type arguments should be used instead.

// Won't compile: Inferred type containing Any
val any = List(1, true, "three")


See Any.

// Won't compile: Inferred type containing AnyVal
val xs = List(1, true)


asInstanceOf is unsafe in isolation and violates parametricity when guarded by isInstanceOf. Refactor so that the desired type is proven statically.

// Won't compile: asInstanceOf is disabled


Scala allows methods to have default arguments, which make it hard to use methods as functions.

// Won't compile: Function has default arguments
def x(y: Int = 0)


scala.util.Either.LeftProjection and scala.util.Either.RightProjection have a get method which will throw if the value doesn’t match the projection. The program should be refactored to use scala.util.Either.LeftProjection#toOption and scala.util.Either.RightProjection#toOption to explicitly handle both the Some and None cases.


Scala’s Enumeration can cause performance problems due to its reliance on reflection. Additionally, the lack of exhaustive match checks and partial methods can lead to runtime errors. Instead of Enumeration, a sealed abstract class extended by case objects should be used instead.


Scala’s Any type provides an == method which is not type-safe. Using this method allows obviously incorrect code like 5 == "5" to compile. A better version which forbids equality checks across types (which always fail) is easily defined:

implicit final class AnyOps[A](self: A) {
   def ===(other: A): Boolean = self == other

equals, eq, ne are disabled as well.


Scala has trouble correctly resolving implicits when some of them lack explicit result types. To avoid this, all implicits should have explicit type ascriptions.


Scala’s case classes provide a useful implementation of logicless data types. Extending a case class can break this functionality in surprising ways. This can be avoided by always making them final or sealed.

// Won't compile: case classes must be final
case class Foo()


Value of a final val is inlined and can cause inconsistency during incremental compilation (see sbt/sbt/issues/1543 ).

file 1:
object c {
  // Won't compile: final val is disabled
  final val v = 1

file 2:


Implicit conversions weaken type safety and always can be replaced by explicit conversions.

// Won't compile: implicit conversion is disabled
implicit def int2Array(i: Int) = Array.fill(i)("madness")


Implicit parameters as configuration often lead to confusing interfaces and can result in surprising inconsistencies.

// Won't compile: Implicit parameters are disabled
def f()(implicit s: String) = ()

// Still compiles
def f[A: Ordering](a: A, other: A) = ...
def f(a: A, other: A)(implicit ordering: Ordering[A]) = ...


isInstanceOf violates parametricity. Refactor so that the type is established statically.

// Won't compile: isInstanceOf is disabled


The standard library provides implicits conversions to and from Java types in scala.collection.JavaConversions. This can make code difficult to understand and read about. The explicit conversions provided by scala.collection.JavaConverters should be used instead.

// Won't compile: scala.collection.JavaConversions is disabled
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
val scalaMap: Map[String, String] = Map()
val javaMap: java.util.Map[String, String] = scalaMap

JavaSerializable is a common subtype to many structures, especially those imported from Java. For example, String is a subtype of but not scala.Serializable. The Scala compiler loves to infer as a common supertype, but that is almost always incorrect. Explicit type arguments should be used instead.

// Won't compile: Inferred type containing
object O extends Serializable
val mistake = List("foo", "bar", O /* forgot O.toString */)


Descendants of a sealed type must be final or sealed. Otherwise this type can be extended in another file through its descendant.

file 1:
// Won't compile: Descendants of a sealed type must be final or sealed
sealed trait t
class c extends t

file 2:
class d extends c


The standard library provides mutable collections. Mutation breaks equational reasoning.

// Won't compile: scala.collection.mutable package is disabled
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
val mutList = ListBuffer()


Scala allows statements to return any type. Statements should only return Unit (this ensures that they’re really intended to be statements).

// Won't compile: Statements must return Unit

When interfacing with APIs that violate this principle, one can define a function in the project

@specialized def discard[A](evaluateForSideEffectOnly: A): Unit = {
  val _: A = evaluateForSideEffectOnly
  () //Return unit to prevent warning due to discarding value

discard{ badMutateFun(foo) } // Use like this


Nothing is a special bottom type; it is a subtype of every other type. The Scala compiler loves to infer Nothing as a generic type but that is almost always incorrect. Explicit type arguments should be used instead.

// Won't compile: Inferred type containing Nothing
val nothing = ???
val nothingList = List.empty


null is a special value that inhabits all reference types. It breaks type safety.

// Won't compile: null is disabled
val s: String = null
var s2: String = _


Scala inserts an implicit conversion from Option to Iterable. This can hide bugs and creates surprising situations like Some(1) zip Some(2) returning an Iterable[(Int, Int)].


scala.Option has a get method which will throw if the value is None. The program should be refactored to use scala.Option#fold to explicitly handle both the Some and None cases.


Method overloading may lead to confusion and usually can be avoided.

// Won't compile: Overloading is disabled
class c {
  def equals(x: Int) = {}


Product is a type common to many structures; it is the supertype of case classes and tuples. The Scala compiler loves to infer Product as a generic type, but that is almost always incorrect. Explicit type arguments should be used instead.

// Won't compile: Inferred type containing Product
val any = List((1, 2, 3), (1, 2))


Type inference of public members can expose extra type information, that can break encapsulation.

class c {
  // Won't compile: Public member must have an explicit type ascription
  def f() = new c with t

  val name = "abc" // Compiles: fields initialized by string, char or boolean literals are ignored

class c2 extends c {
  override def f() = ... // Compiles: overridden members are ignored


General recursion can result in non-termination. There are various techniques, like fixed-point combinators, that allow you to extract recursion from your code. Recursion can also cause problems with stack usage. This can often be fixed with a @tailrec annotation (which uses constant stack) or by using a trampoline (which moves stack usage to the heap).

// Won't compile: Potentially-diverging recursion.
def diverging(i: Int): Int = if (i == 0) 0 else diverging(i + 1)

This particular instance can be silenced by adding @tailrec before def, making the stack safety explicit.


return breaks referential transparency. Refactor to terminate computations in a safe way.

// Won't compile: return is disabled
def foo(n:Int): Int = return n + 1
def foo(ns: List[Int]): Any = => return n + 1)


Serializable is a type common to many structures. The Scala compiler loves to infer Serializable as a generic type, but that is almost always incorrect. Explicit type arguments should be used instead.

// Won't compile: Inferred type containing Serializable
val any = List((1, 2, 3), (1, 2))


Scala’s String interface provides a + method that converts the operand to a String via its toString method. As mentioned in the documentation for the ToString wart, this method is unreliable and brittle.

// Won't compile: Implicit conversion to string is disabled
"foo" + {}
{} + "bar"


throw implies partiality. Encode exceptions/errors as return values instead using Either.


Scala creates a toString method automatically for all classes. Since toString is based on the class name, any rename can potentially introduce bugs. This is especially pernicious for case objects. toString should be explicitly overridden wherever used.

case object Foo { override val toString = "Foo" }


scala.collection.Iterable has:

  • head,
  • tail,
  • init,
  • last,
  • reduce,
  • reduceLeft,
  • reduceRight,
  • max,
  • maxBy,
  • min and
  • minBy methods,

all of which will throw if the collection is empty. The program should be refactored to use:

  • headOption,
  • drop(1),
  • dropRight(1),
  • lastOption,
  • reduceOption or fold,
  • reduceLeftOption or foldLeft and
  • reduceRightOption or foldRight respectively,

to explicitly handle empty collections.


??? throws NotImplementedError. Encode exceptions/errors as return values instead using Either.

// Won't compile: ??? is disabled
def foo: Int = ???


scala.util.Try has a get method which will throw if the value is a Failure. The program should be refactored to use scala.util.Try#map and scala.util.Try#getOrElse to explicitly handle both the Success and Failure cases.


Checks for the following warts:

  • Any
  • AsInstanceOf
  • DefaultArguments
  • EitherProjectionPartial
  • IsInstanceOf
  • IterableOps
  • NonUnitStatements
  • Null
  • OptionPartial
  • Product
  • Return
  • Serializable
  • StringPlusAny
  • Throw
  • TripleQuestionMark
  • TryPartial
  • Var

This list is built from Unsafe.scala


Mutation breaks equational reasoning.

// Won't compile: var is disabled
var x = 100


while loop usually indicates low-level code. If performance is not an issue, it can be replaced.

// Won't compile: while is disabled
while(i < 10) {
  i += 1